Friday, October 31, 2008


Investigation- i give my self a 3 because i think i put alot of effort into this work and it means alot to me even if it's not finished.
Design- my process journal helped me design the final draft and it gave the steps needed. i think i give  myself a 4
Plan- i give myself a 2 because on this step i really didnt do much.
Create-  my creation on my power point and process journal was a sucess but not i give a 3
Evaluate- not completede N/A
Attitude in Technology- i had a good attitude while in the completion or my process journal so i would give my self a 5

Thursday, October 30, 2008


The vid taught me about ethics and the diff from ethical and unethical. Being ethical will benefit in a personal and in public way. By personal i mean the love by fellow co workers and by public i mean they might post your idea to other companys and you will be famous for a job well done. Being unethical is the right path to hapiness you will cheat your way up but soon you will fall and you won't be so tough now are you. Yopu won't have any respect and no one is gonna care a thing abou you.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Being an ethical person is a serious job being early or even doing the simplest task with out questining or maybe even doing a serious job that needs you to apply alot of your will (or even force if u have to) is being ethic. Being ethic has to with a lot of responsibility. Being ethic is easy just do the right and don't do the wrong. Using the companys software phones or even other mechanical mechanism with out the permission of yes is considered stealing. DON'T DO.

Monday, October 27, 2008


The video showed how an unethical person can hurt even break down a work place company or some other group.  Although is impossible that being ethical has its personal rewards and others, but that is just half of the story about being ethical. Being ethical is being the best. Being ethical is about doing the right things . being unethical isn't the best idea you will might not succeed so be ethical!