Thursday, October 23, 2008


Well i honestly think this video teaches about the right in a objective or any task. Doing the right any situation no matter painful you need an objective done check if you can do before doing. The right from the wrong. So never do wrong only right will bring happiness, but also don't get carried away with that every thing is right no not everything it's only right up to you.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

discovery channel vid on attitudes

I think by having a professional attitude you can probably complete almost every job or simple minded task available to you. Having a bad attitude can make depression or other bad emotions occur like anger, sad, and unhappiness. Having a emotion is one of the most objectives one will need to survive in a world like this. Even to have at least some good attitude will bring happiness and maybe even the best future ever that is why attitudes are good and even bad so always have a good attitude no bad a good.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

discovery channel vid on teamwork and cooparation

I think the video was alright but although i would like the examples to be a little easier to notice because I took me some time to find out what the ex. meant but i then understood what it meant. Teamwork and cooperation nay be the only way out of a rough job that's why the objectives of the world are easy to some best friends or other in other relationships yet not always that way always helps but again who am i to choose everyone needs help in everything right so teamwork is like push and pull you push your partner pulls. Its a simple basics of survival.

Monday, October 20, 2008

do now

Well i think that once everyone gets the msg they will be laughing and the teacher will try to solve the problem for Tina's sake and for her confidence. But yet the Tina can also erase all themsgs and like that they can forget this ever happened. Also at first why did this happen  who knows maybe it happen because of her clumsiness.